Monday, July 23, 2012

How to Get Rid of Worry Series: Step Four - Master Your Mind

The time has come to take control of your thinking and to choose where you focus your thoughts. You have the ability to put an end to destructive mental chatter and adopt a positive inner dialogue. You can do so by adding the fourth step in the CALM process:
M = Master your Mind
One of the ways to master your mind is to accentuate the positive. But how do you do that when you’re smack-dab in the middle of a worrisome situation? The trick is to stop focusing on what might go wrong and instead ask yourself: What might go right?
This is an important habit to master, because when you dwell on what might not work out, you compound your worries. However, when you direct your thoughts in the other direction, you calm yourself. Does focusing on what might go right mean that you pretend the negatives don’t exist? Not at all--you simply choose to avoid being consumed by them. Instead, you emphasize what’s good, knowing that this will give you the hope, inspiration and determination to believe in the possibility of a favorable outcome, and in doing so, soothe your worried mind.
Another way to accentuate the positive is to ask yourself: What is the hidden blessing? Often hidden in even your most difficult experiences, are incredible gifts that can benefit you in significant ways. Looking for the blessing in a bleak situation can go a long way toward cultivating inner peace. Don’t get me wrong--I’m not suggesting that you need to be smiling all the time. Life has its ups and downs, and during those down times, it’s okay to feel frustrated. But let’s face it, as tempting as it can be, if you dwell on the negatives too long, you’ll only feel worse. However, when you choose to find the blessing, in addition to freeing your mind from worry, you’ll also discover gifts which can help you to create the best you that you can be and the best life you can possibly live.
Next time you find yourself in the middle of a stressful situation, take control of your thinking by accentuating the positive. Ask yourself: What might go right? What is the hidden blessing? See for yourself how these questions can help you shift your outlook from negative to positive and calm your worried mind.

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